Wednesday, 29 August 2012

More arrivals.

Well the weekend is closing in and I just got some more parcels in the mail, 2 items came today. One of which I was waiting for and is needed for the build to commence, the fogger. Also the stick on handle arrived, though I don't need this for quite a while, still I'm glad it came because I discovered a slight problem.

Silly me, I didn't read the description on the item listed on Ebay, even though throughout the description of the item it was referred to as "handleS" (plural, not singular) there was only one handle, not two. It did say in small writing on the page that it was for a singular handle, I guess that is what I get for not looking for the fine print. Anyway, I ordered another today, they get posted rather quickly and the item is perfect, doesn't look no where near as bad as I thought it might. Shall look good on the glass.

Speaking of glass, I didn't get a chance to ring the glazier today, I think I might just call in there on Friday and see what is happening. Ok, back on topic, I unpacked the fogger and tested it out. Works well enough.... but... I was not aware that it sort of "spat" water upwards as well as fog, this created a little problem with the design I was going for, the container I bought is too small and I ended up with a big puddle on my bench. I tested out some various sized containers to try find a suitable one. I think I found one, an old ice cream container I had in the cupboard, though I will think on this and try a few different ideas out before settling on the final design. Ah well, this build is not running as smoothly as I had hoped but least it is keeping me busy and occupied.

I shall be picking up the polystyrene sheets on Friday and I'm hoping to put some decent time into the build on Saturday, hopefully have the desk complete and vivarium ready to move onto making the rock wall.

I've revised my price list, minus money for the fogger container seeing as it now won't be used and added in the extra cost for another handle.

Vents - $26.20
Cord (IEC to twin IEC) - $15.53
Cord (IEC to 240v) - $11.45
Liquid nails - $3.90
Cord holders - $4.00
Power board - $20.39Brackets - $1.70
Bolts, nuts and washers - $6.98
Stick on feet - $3.98
Fogger - $38.05
Handles - $3.90
Plants - $29.90

Total - $165.98

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