Tuesday, 28 August 2012


Well seems a spanner has been thrown in the works, I've been asked to do extra over time at work, while the money will be nice, having very little time to work on my build will be rather annoying. Meh!

On a side note, my vents arrived today, hoping my fogger comes this week then I will pretty much have everything I need to start the construction except for the tracks for the glass doors. Speaking of that, the glazier was meant to get back to me yesterday about the tracks and let me know what sizes I need to adjust the doors to suit the tracks. Though I did find some in a different Bunnings store but they are to suit 5mm glass, so I might give the glazier a call tomorrow and if he hasn't gotten the tracks then I will just get a new quote in 5mm glass and just buy the tracks myself.

Hoping to do a little construction this Friday after work, probably only have time to build the desk before heading to the bank to see about a car loan. I might just stop in the glazier on the way home Friday and see what is going on, depends if I get time to ring or not. Then on Saturday I am hoping to get the vivarium constructed to the point I need and then use the work ute to get it home and hopefully pick up some polystyrene sheets which will be used to make a rock wall for the inside of the vivarium.

Oh well, would have liked to be further ahead than I am but shit happens!

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